Tech Podcasts for 2024

Feb 14, 2024


Some of the podcasts I enjoy during my bike-trip to work.

Soft Skills Engineering

Soft Skills are an underrated ability in engineers and Dave and Jamison deliver their advise in such a funny and helpful way that it's hard not to smile while listening to it.

Scott and Wes are really in touch with what's trending in the tech world and usually have both great guests and interesting takes on a various range of subjects.

Go time

A great Go(lang) specific show with deep technical topics and plenty of humor.

The Changelog

Good all-around tech podcast.

.NET Rocks

Even though I don't really program in .NET, I enjoy this show very much. Patterns and ways of working are universal and the hosts are very entertaining.

Darknet Diaries

Host interviews hackers and other cyber-criminals about their exploits and mistakes.

Recently started listening, but so far very happy with their content which focuses on developer tooling (duh).

Home Assistant Podcast

As someone who likes tinkering with smart-home stuff, this show is very inspiring to what you can do with a few lines of Python or YAML.

JS Party

In depth show about all things JavaScript/TypeScript.

React Native Radio

A show from Infinite Red about React Native, Expo and the art of making cross platform apps.

Self Hosted

An inspiring show about software that you can host yourself without "the cloud". I may not do a lot of self hosting, but I enjoy listening to others talk about it in detail.

Shop Talk

Somewhat Ruby specific, but a great all-around tech pod cast.